Dorney History
Dorney History 

Working Draft of the 2024 Neighbourhood Plan

This section of the Dorney History website is being used as a working sandbox for the development of the Draft 2024 Dorney Neighbourhood Plan.


The process is to combine the draft content of the 2023 Draft Neighbourhood Plan, implement the comments received from Bucks Council's Neighbourhood Planning Team, add additional facts and content and ensure the individual sections are written in a consistent style and format.


The important difference between the 2023 Draft and the 2024 Draft is the inclusion of eight specific Topics that the Residents' Survey identified as the most important and a number of individual, relevant numbered Policies are included for each Topic.


Should any resident have any comments or suggestions on any of the draft content please email me on and I will ensure that they are passed to the relevant person.

Draft Contents List for Neighbourhood Plan. See next page for the Draft Content by Section, Topic and Policy

Sections that are completed and approved are shown in Green, Sections that are in progress are shown in Orange. Sections in White have not yet been started.

Dorney Neighbourhood Plan

Last Update: 19 July 2024

Draft Proposed Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Designation of the Neighbourhood Plan
  3. Dorney Neighbourhood Plan Area
  4. The Purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan
  5. The Scope of the Neighbourhood Plan
  6. A short History of Dorney, its Character and Population today
  7. Vision and Objectives
  8. The Policy Context
  9. Community Engagement
  10. Policies
  11. Topic 1: Protection of Dorney Parish – “a rural oasis”
    1. Policy P1: The Character of Dorney
    2. Policy P2: Neighbouring Threats - West Town Farm 1,500 houses
    3. Policy P3: Neighbouring Threat - Shough Mass Transit Terminus Huntercombe
  12. Topic 2: Conservation and Heritage
    1. Policy CH1: Listed Buildings
      1. Protection and Use Of Agricultural Buildings
      2. Curtilage Listed Buildings
      3. Churches
    2. Policy CH2: Upholding the Valididty of the current Existing Conservation Areas
    3. Policy CH3: New Conservation Areas
  13. Topic 3: Green Spaces and Natural Environment
    1. Policy GS1: Public Rights of Way
    2. Policy GS2: Areas of Local Green Space
      1. Dorney and Lake End Commons
      2. Dorney Lake
      3. Trumper’s Field
      4. Thames Water Rewilding Field
      5. Memorial Garden
    3. Policy GS3: Rivers
      1. River Thames
      2. Jubilee River
      3. Other Rivers in Parish (Roundmoor Ditch etc.)
      4. Flooding
        1. Dorney Common
        2. Lake End Common
    4. Policy GS4: Agricultural Land
    5. Policy GS5: Equestrian Land
    6. Policy GS6: Landscapes, Vistas & Skylines
    7. Policy GS7: Minimising Noise Pollution
      1. M4 “Smart” Motorway
      2. Heathrow Airport
    8. Policy GS8: Biodiversity and Habitats
    9. Policy GS9: Litter Management
  14. Topic 4: Housing
    1. Consult with Landowners (Dorney Court Estate/Eton College/ThamesWater) and Organisations (EA/TW/OpenReach etc)
    2. Policy H1: Settlement Capacity
    3. Policy H2: Green Belt & 2036/2040 Local Plans
      1. Calls for Sites
    4. Policy H3: Settlement Boundaries and Areas
    5. Policy H4: Housing Density
    6. Policy H5: Brownfield Sites
    7. Policy H6: Affordable Housing
    8. Policy H7: Design (inc. Thomas Quarterman houses or similar)?
  15. Topic 5: Employment and Business
    1. Policy EB1:
    2. Policy EB2:
    3. Policy EB3: Working from Home
  16. Topic 6: Community Facilities and Projects
    1. Policy CFP1: Community Asset Right to Bid Trumpers Field/DVH
    2. Policy CFP2: Community Asset Transfer: Trumpers Field
    3. Policy CFP3: Dorney Village Hall
    4. Policy CFP4: Dorney Playground
  17. Topic 7: Infrastructure and Connectivity
    1. Policy IS1: Village Appearance
    2. Policy IS2: Road Quality
    3. Policy IS3: Water Pressure
    4. Policy IS4: FTTH Availability
  18. Topic 8: Transport
    1. Policy T1: Transport (inc. Public Transport)
    2. Policy T2: Traffic management
    3. Policy T3: Traffic Volume
    4. Policy T4: Transport Infrastructure
  19. Basic Conditions Statement
  20. Implementation, Monitoring and Review
    1. Working in Partnership
    2. Funding and Implementation Mechanisms
    3. Monitoring and Review
  21. List of Reference Documents
  22. Glossary?